Statistical Physics II (PH51023)
Semester: Autumn 2020
Syllabus, References and Grading policy
Prerequisite: Motivation and willingness to learn. Rest is secondary.
Review of elementary equilibrium statistical physics. Stochastic dynamics. Phase transitions. Low-dimensional systems. Macroscopic quantum phenomenon
Teaching Assistant: Sudip Das.
Lecture Notes
- Advanced Statistical Physics (Draft, evolving)
- Old personal notes: Brownian motion and Langevin Equation (Ref. R. K. Pathria, Statistical Mechanics, 2nd Ed.)
- Old personal notes: Master equation and Fokker-Planck Equation
Presentation Slides
- Introductory Remarks Date: 07/09/2020
- Ensembles: Microcanonical and Canonical Ensembles Date: 08/09/2020
- Brownian Motion, Random Walks and Diffusion Part IA Date: 14/09/2020
- Brownian Motion, Random Walks and Diffusion Part IB Date: 14/09/2020
- Brownian Motion, Random Walks and Diffusion Part II Date: 15/09/2020
- Stochastic Tools in Statistical Physics Part I Date: 21/09/2020
- Stochastic Tools in Statistical Physics (Notes) Date: 28/09/2020
- Stochastic Tools and Stochastic Processes Date: 29/09/2020
- Markov Processes, Master Equation, and Fokker-Planck Equation Date: 05/10/2020
- Correlation functions from Langevin formulation and Fokker-Planck Equation Date: 13/10/2020
- Smoluchowski Equation Date: 19/10/2020
- FPE. Phase Transitions Date: 20/102020
Video Lectures
- Introductory remarks
- Brownian motion, Random Walks and Diffusion I
- Brownian motion, Random Walks and Diffusion II (Langevin Equation)
- Stochastic Tools for Statistical Physics I
Useful Research Articles
- Problem Set 1 Due date: October 01, 2020.
- Problem Set 2 Select problems from J.P. Sethna, Statistical Mechanics: Entropy, Order Parameters, and Complexity, Oxford University Press, 2006.
Below is a tentative broad syllabus. Final syllabus would be decided based on the interests of the students and the instructor. It is highly likely that a largely truncated version of this syllabus would be followed.
Prerequisite: Motivation and willingness to learn. Rest is secondary.
Review of elementary equilibrium statistical physics. Ensembles. Application to non-interacting systems. Quantum statistics.
(Suitable review material, references and a problem set would be provided.)
Stochastic dynamics: Review of notions of probability theory, Random walks and Brownian motion. Markov Processes. The Chapman-Kolmogorov equation. Master equation. Fokker-Planck equation. Exactly solvable systems. The Langevin approach. Diffusion. First-passage problems. Unstable systems. Kinetic models and Boltzmann equation. Irreversibiltiy. Stochastic differential equations. Additive and multiplicative noise. Numerical solution.
(No prerequisite assumed for this section.)
Phase transitions: Examples; general concepts; models; analytic properties of models; Mean-field theories (MFT): Magnetic and fluid systems.
Critical phenomena: long-range order, order parameter, scaling, universality and critical exponents. Landau theory of phase transitions (LTPT). Extension to inhomogeneous systems. Role of fluctuations and break-down of LTPT. Gaussian approximation.
Introduction to renormalization group (RG) method to study continuous phase transitions. Examples. Monte Carlo and Molecular dynamics simulations.
Low-dimensional systems: Role of dimensionality and importance of fluctuations. Elementary ideas of Mermin-Wagner theorem and topological phase transitions.
Macroscopic quantum phenomenon: Superfluidity and Superconductivity. Mean-field level description. Condensate wave function. Off-diagonal-long-range-order (ODLRO). Properties of superfluid flow.
(Below is a representative list. We will discuss about it later in the classroom.)
- D.J. Amit and Y. Verbin, Statistical Physics: An Introductory Course, World Scientific, 1999.
- J.P. Sethna, Statistical Mechanics: Entropy, Order Parameters, and Complexity, Oxford University Press, 2006.
- R. K. Pathria. Statistical Mechanics, Second Edition, Elsevier.
- N.G. Van Kampen, Stochastic Processes in Physics and Chemistry, North-Holland, Third Edition.
- N. Pottier, Nonequilibrium Statistical Physics, Oxford University Press, 2010.
- V. Balakrishnan, Elements of Nonequilibrium Statistical Mechanics, Ane Books, Pvt. Ltd., India, 2008.
- J. F. Annett, Superconductivity, Superfluids and Condensates (Oxford Master Series in Physics), Oxford University Press (2004).
- M. Kardar, Statistical Physics of Fields (Cambridge University Press, UK, 2007).
Grading Policy:
Most probably continuous evaluation mechanism, as suggested by the Institute.
Below is a tentative list of activities planned. It will be finalized later.
- Participation in the (online) classroom activities;
- Assignments;
- Quizzes;
- Three Tests (as recommended by the Institute);
- Mini projects/Term paper/Essay;
- Bonus marks problems.
Freedom to choose your own topics.
For any other information please feel free to contact me.