
We are looking for self-motivated young friends to work with us. We share your enthusiasm for new things.

Undergrads and Master’s students

Whether you are an undergrad (third year onwards) or master’s student, you are welcome to join us. Some of our work involves high performance computing, etc., that requires development of significant computational skills. Therefore, it is mutually beneficial, in case of such projects, if you decide to work in the team for a year or longer.

PhD fellows

If you are interested in working with me directly or in collaboration, please drop me an email.

Click here to view the PhD projects.

Candidates who are self-driven, passionate about research and open to exploring new ideas and not fixated on existing discipline-wise boundaries are encouraged to apply. Moreover, coming up with independent problems and projects is appreciated and encouraged.

We make good use of both theoretical and computational techniques, so the candidates should be open to both kind of projects. Possible projects:

(A) Theoretical condensed matter physics: Non-equilibrium quantum many-body dynamics.

(B) Problems in Biological and active matter systems that are at the interface of statistical physics and fluid dynamics.

(C) Turbulence in classical fluids.

(D) Turbulence and non-equilibrium states in quantum fluids, e.g., Non-equilibrium BECs formation and wave turbulence; strong turbulence regimes, etc. Applications to: Astrophysical systems; Non-linear optical systems; Exciton-polariton superfluids, etc.

Postdoctoral positions

We have a requirement of one postdoctoral fellow in our group. Candidates with a background in Physics (condensed matter, statistical physics, and fluid dynamics), Mathematics (PDEs, etc.) are encouraged to discuss with us projects of mutual interests. You will have the flexibility to work on your own independent projects and an opportunity to interact and work with our collaborators, who are leading researchers in their fields.